
Honestly, this whole thing is fuckin weird. I shouldn't feel how I feel. Somehow I suppressed it this long. Is this shit even real? Why now? Why so many years down the line? I see your face all over my timeline It's different. I'm different. We've been distant. Yet, I missed it? I can't admit … Continue reading Suppression

Do you see me? (Beauty) 

Oh what beautiful skin I'm in.Who am I kidding? I'm no where near beauty Can you see me?  Does he see me?  Can she see the beauty within me? All I see is my crooked teeth The stretch marks on my arms  My big ugly legs And my stomach that's so large I see the … Continue reading Do you see me? (Beauty) 

Dreams Coming True…

I absolutely love this



Feelings that once were hidden
Are now expressed to you.
Days that once were stormy
Are now the brightest blue.

Times that once were lonely
Are now filled with pleasure.
All that once was mine alone
Are now things we both treasure.

Nights that once were cold
Are now comforting and warm.
Fears that once were very real
Are now gone with the storm.

A heart that once was broken
Can now finally mend.
A person once alone in life
Can now call you a friend.

Dreams that once were longed for
Are now all coming true.
The love I once thought was gone
I have now and forever in you. 

Samuel Newton

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(509) – Beautiful Opportunity

I love this.

The Better Man Project

When I first started writing, everything in me was focused on trying to “understand” everything. I was trying to understand how come others weren’t playing by the same rules as I was, why certain things seemed to happen over and over again, and why I felt like life was a series of one step forward two steps backward scenarios. In short, I was writing blind. I found that quote above today diving into Pinterest and it couldn’t have hit closer to home.

I never knew myself because I never heard my voice. I was always lost because I had no personal direction. So I left. I went searching and left everyone behind. Where did I go? Within.

As the days go by, I start to realize that life is a series of events that can either turn into memories or opportunities. Throughout the day, there will be things that come…

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Thin Ice

We started off with secrets. Secrets led to more secrets. All the things you've been keeping, pushed me over to the deep end. You hurt me. I gave you a choice and this is what I get. I haven't forgiven you yet; I can't forget. You ask me to get past it it's not simple … Continue reading Thin Ice